
Want to get baptized? Click here for more info!

What is Baptism?

“Make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

Baptism is a believer’s first act of discipleship, a step of obedience that stands as a witness that we belong to Christ. Baptism is like the wedding ring of salvation. I put on my wedding ring at the moment I decided to publicly declare my commitment to my wife. Putting on the ring did not make me married. I am no more married when I wear my ring than when I don’t. But the demonstration of my commitment to my wife that the ring represents was a crucial first step in marriage. Had I refused to do it, my wife would have had reason to question my intentions.

In the same way, baptism is an outward symbol of an inward covenant we’ve made in response to Jesus’ offer of salvation.

If you have any questions regarding baptism, fill out a connect card and let us know!